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The handover or takeover of the farm is one of the decisive events in rural life. Every business owner whose farm is to continue to exist deals intensively with this topic twice in his life. Once from the perspective of the transferee and the second time as the transferor.  


The most important goal of the farm handover is to maintain the business as an economic source of income for the next generation.


We have many years of experience in farm handovers and are happy to prepare the necessary contracts for you and your successor.


Particular attention must be paid to the security of the yard transfer. Consideration must also be given to the reluctant siblings.



Notary's office Dr. Gerhard Mayer

Tel .:
      +43 (0) 5574 43800
​​​​​​ :   Anton-Schneider-Strasse 2,  6900 Bregenz



Digital business card
Kanzleidaten_Notar Dr. Gerhard Mayer
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